
Contact us

In need of informations you couldn't find on this website? You have questions or comments about the Festi Jazz? You need to talk with a member of our team? Contact us!

Take part in the Festi Jazz

Wether it is to give a hand as a volunteer, contribute to the visibility of your company and the district's by becoming our partner or to perform on one of our stages, taking part in the Festi Jazz is the opportunity to gift yourself with a new family in a warm, urban and maritime ambiance.

Get involved

Roles for all tastes ; interact with the artists, the audience, wether it's in front or behind the curtains, or in a rather discreet way, yet just as essential.

Become a volunteer
Support us

Assert your implication in the community as a business while contributing to the culture's influence.

Become our partner
Stand out

To perform at the Festi Jazz, not only is it an opportunity to be seen, but it's also your chance to shine on your creativity on the stage of the second best event of the kind in the Province of Québec.

Make a request